
Thursday, May 10, 2012

The line between life and non-life....?

I found this TED talk by Martin Hanczyc, "The line between life and non-life" very interesting, not in the extraterrestrial sense, but what it could mean in terms of parametric systems. Now the question is, how can this be used and translated into such?

This may be some fuel for future experimentations.

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Crystal" Growth Algorithm

I wanted to share a script that was composed for my EmTech dissertation at the Architectural Association in 2011. The dissertation, "C2 - Crystal City," was done in conjunction with Dominik Lisik and Rony Ghadban. We looked at a possible housing solution for temporary housing as an infill in metropolitan cities. Our housing solution dealt with goemetries abstracted from formations in metal crystal patterns. This allowed for a growth situation that could be controlled with several parameters, including density, linearity (shape) and complexity. This script is written as a growth algorithm, which grows until a certain parameter is met, usually the number of desired units.

[an infill example]

[a final rendered condition]

The following videos show the script's growth logic in two different ways. The first video is a "flipbook" through 20 possible iterations of the script for each set of input parameters. You will be able to see different final configurations for each set of parameters.

The next video illustrates the progression of growth for each set of parameters.